


This function, nk_robots_check(), generates a table with information about the robots.txt file, xmlrpc-blocked status, and wp-cron-disabled status for each domain found on the server using the nk_list_all_domains() function.

The function calls several helper functions to find the status for each of these items, which are find_robot_status(), find_xmlrpc_status(), and find_wp_cron_status().

find_robot_status(): finds whether a robots.txt file exists in the domain’s document root directory.

find_xmlrpc_status(): checks whether xmlrpc has been blocked. It does this by checking if the site’s .htaccess file has any xmlrpc lines in it. If it does not, it sets the result to “No”. If there is a serverwide block, it sets the result to “N/A”.

find_wp_cron_status(): checks whether wp-cron has been disabled in the wp-config file. If there is no wp-config.php file in the domain’s document root, it sets the result to “N/A”. If “DISABLE_WP_CRON” is not inside of the wp-config.php file inside of the domain’s document root, it sets the result to “No”. Otherwise, it sets the result to “Yes”.

gen_robots_check(): prints out a header for the table and then loops through each domain found on the server using nk_list_all_domains(). For each domain, it populates the variables docroot, robot_status, xmlrpc_blocked, and wp_cron using the helper functions, and then writes out a row in the table with these values.

Finally, the table is formatted using the column -t command.


[root@cloudvpsserver ~]# nk_robots_check
Domain     │  robots.txt  xmlrpc-blocked  wp-cron-disabled  │
nkern.net  │  No          Yes             N/A               │


nk_robots_check() {
# nk_robots_check is basically just a wrapper for gen_robots_check that does some formatting.

    #### First we need to define some functions we'll use later. ####
find_robot_status() {
# Find whether a robots.txt file exists in the domains docroot.
# Next we can determine where the robots.txt should be by appending it to docroot.

# If a file exists in $robot_location.
if [ -f "$robot_location" ]; then
    # Print Yes and exit.
    echo "Yes"
    return 0
# Otherwise print No.
echo "No"

find_xmlrpc_status() {
# Find whether xmlrpc has been blocked.
# If the site's .htaccess doesn't have any xmlrpc lines in it
if [ "$(grep -c "xmlrpc" "$docroot"/.htaccess 2>/dev/null)" = "0" ] ; then
    # Then set result to "No"
    # Otherwise set the result to "Yes"

# However it's possible there's a serverwide block.
# Check if that's present.
if [ "$(grep -c "xmlrpc" /etc/apache2/conf.d/includes/pre_virtualhost_global.conf )" != "0" ]; then
    # If it is then set the result to "N/A"

# Then print out the value of result.
echo "$result"

find_wp_cron_status() {
# Find whether wp-cron has been disabled in the wp-config file.
# If there is no wp-config.php file inside of docroot.
if [ ! -f "$docroot"/wp-config.php ] ; then
    # Then it's probably not a WordPress site, print N/A and exit.
    echo "N/A"
    return 0

# If "DISABLE_WP_CRON" is not inside of the wp-config.php file inside of docroot.
if [ "$(grep -ic "DISABLE_WP_CRON" "$docroot"/wp-config.php 2>/dev/null)" = "0" ]; then
    # Then print "No" and exit.
    echo "No"
    return 0
    # Otherwise print Yes and exit.
    echo "Yes"
    return 0

# Now we can get started with the function to print table rows.
gen_robots_check() {
# First print out the header for the table.
echo "Domain │ robots.txt xmlrpc-blocked wp-cron-disabled │"

# Then for every sites found on the server using nk_list domains.
for domain in $(nk_list_all_domains); do
    # Populate variables.
    # docroot is the result of running nk_docroot on the domain. This is needed for several of the functions to work.
    # robots_status is the result of find_robots_status
    # xmlrpc_blocked is the result of find_xmlrpc_status
    docroot="$(nk_docroot "$domain")"

    # Now that the variables are populated. Write out the table row.
    echo "$domain$robot_status $xmlrpc_blocked $wp_cron │"

# Lastly run gen_robots_check and format it as a table.
gen_robots_check | column -t

Author: Nichole Kernreicht

Created: 2023-04-12 Wed 21:28